Saturday, March 29, 2008

Documenting Spring Break Day 3[mini-golfing & the gangsta<3]

I wrote this on Tuesday, but for some reason blogspot disabled my access of creating blogs for a couple of days so I'm just now posting it :[

So today was one of the greatest days ever. Let me just say, spring break has never been so great for me; I mean, I’ve never seen friends and been so happy EVERY SINGLE DAY of it! This one, just is so great. Maybe it’s because I’m in college and have learned to appreciate the finer things in life? Perhaps. ANYWHO, today in particular was a great way to start the week. I started off watching We Are Marshall with my sister, THAT is another great movie! It’s also a true story like Into The Wild, thus making it 100x more sad :( Anywho, after that I got ready to go mini-golfing with Juan, Cassie, and Kristina. Then on the way from picking them up we went and got Michelle last minute. Hehe. Once we got to Camelot we noticed it was 4 PM and mini-golfing prices were cheaper for some reason past 5 PM. So we decided to go eat for an hour and come back to get a whole $3 off mini-golf, while paying money to eat at the same time...Well, when we get to the food service place at Camelot Cassie asks for cheese pizza and the girl says something along the lines that they don’t have it or aren’t serving it! O_o what?! Who doesn’t have/serve CHEESE pizza?! I mean, to get to pepperoni pizza, you gotta have CHEESE pizza right?! Umm don’t see what could have been so hard about it, so we decided to leave to Carl’s Jr which was just around the block, and especially wanted to waste time considering we had a whole hour to kill. So we get to Carls and order our food and have a LOVELY meal, telling dirty jokes, eating chili cheese fries disgustingly, and moaning. Hahah. Great times. Every time I looked at the clock I would notice only a couple of minutes would pass. First at 4:20, then at 4:26, then at 4:34, so on and so forth. Time sure goes by slowly when you’re watiting for something, and we even felt like we had been eating and talking for quite a while. Well, we decided to leave about 5 til considering Camelot was around the corner and needed to buy our game after 5. It was funny when Cassie pointed out that we walked through the door to buy our games at exactly 5 PM. Ya, we’re good. BOOYA! haha. We played a whole 18-holes-well actually, let me get that straight, the stupid 14th hole ate my beautiful yellow ball so I couldn’t play the last 4 holes ): - but anywho, there were many fun times trying to hit the ball and just make it close, and decided cheating and getting our turns all out of wack would be the best solution. Haha. We ended playing sometime after 6 or something and then went to drop off Michelle because she had to go. After that we decided to walk around the Buena Park Mall. I went to Ross determined to find a swim suit and actually did! I had to choose between 3 that I really liked but in the end it all came down to the cheapest of course. Hah. So now, I’m SUPER excited to go to the beach on Wednesday!
But wait, just when I thought the night was wasn’t! My gangsta Kevin calls me up and tells me he’s coming over to pick me up :] YAY times a million gazillion! So I go out to meet him and get THE GREATEST HUG EVER. I swear, that boy gives the best hugs, you just want to be in his arms forever and ever and ever and ever. <3>

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