Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oh 2008 How You Flew By

The new year is approaching and I figured I'd take this time to write a new blog. I'm not exactly sure what's going to go in it but we'll see where my crazy brain takes us and in what order. Let's see...2008 was overall an OK year. I finished my 1st year of college which was pretty tough yet the most enjoyable experience of my life so far. I visited my father and realized why my sister feels the way she does towards him and learned that I will sadly never have a healthy relationship with him and can finally accept that. What else...I did some things I regret almost every day since I did them but there's nothing I can do about them now, so all I can do is either learn from those mistakes or try to do them differently. I feel like this year I learned more about myself and grew in to more of an adult then I thought would happen. Although I'm still an immature perverted child at heart, I've learned enough to consider myself more of an adult. I've finally learned what it's like to be on your own without parents or guardians to support you when times get tough. I have college living to thank for this. I think the most important thing I learned in 2008 though is that you have to learn who your TRUE friends are. Like seriously, there were people I could have said were my true friends and later found out that they weren't. This year I realized the difference between friends: good, true, and just whatever friends. Now I can try and more easily distinguish who will fall into what parts of those categories in my life. As for my new year resolution...well I still have to give that one thought, and maybe even have to keep it to myself. We'll see if i'm really adult enough to keep a resolution...

Until next time.