Monday, December 22, 2008

Today, I have felt almost every emotion in the book.

Today has been FULL of EVERYTHING! Let me list just a FEW of the emotions I felt:
Pissed off

Those are just a few. It started with seeing that my paternal grandmother had apparently made a trip to CA to visit. I didn't get to see her but that's fine because like my asshole father, she too is a bitch. No loss there. However, this leads to me talking to one of my cousins and finding out that my other cousin is pregnant- with her 6th child, from the 4th man. It's unbelievable how some people just don't learn from their previous choices. I pick my words carefully in not saying regrets because her children are not regrets-children should NEVER be regrets, they are there because people either wanted them there or were not careful and just made them and can't deal otherwise. Either way, it's unbelievable that she's still so unstable yet popping kids out like they're worth $1 they're whole life. I've definitely learned a lesson in all of this, I mean- I was already declaring NEVER getting pregnant since my older sister got pregnant at 15 and I was 5...But now even more, I understand through other peoples choices how tough things really are in life and how one really has to take care of themselves. It just makes me sad that someone I love (the newborn baby) is going to have to suffer what will most likely be a horrible life because his parents are deadbeats. Just sad and there's nothing I can do to help since they've made us all be shut out of their lives. I don't even know what to think anymore.

On the brighter side...I cooked my first dish today-lasagna-and it was amazing :D

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