Thursday, December 11, 2008

And so let WINTER BREAK begin!!

YAY finals are over! I only had 2 but they weren't fun. Results are in by next week I believe...Yesterday I arrived home to Rancho...well first we were stuck in traffic FOREVER on our way back from the airport. Oh SoCal, how I missed you. HA. Then we went to Virgin Megastore because it's closing soon so they had sales and I bought the Nintendo version monopoly :D So excited to play it! Tonight is the Sharks VS. Ducks game I've been so anxious for! If I'm correct they're 1-1 against eachother right now so hopefully the Ducks win tonight!!! Also tonight, I'll be heading down to Anaheim to spend the weekend there and to see NOGH aka Filmspeed's show on Sunday night! Can't wait to see/hear their new stuff! Well, I guess that's it for now!

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